Category Archives: Botox

What Facial Areas Does Botox® Target?

Botox® is one of the most popular procedures for addressing fine lines and wrinkles to enhance a more youthful-looking appearance. But which facial areas can Botox® effectively target? With board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Meredith Vandegrift, you’ll discover how Botox® can help you look refreshed and take years off your appearance. What Is Botox®? Neuromodulators like… Read More

4 Common Post-Botox® Mistakes

While Botox® is one of the most popular procedures to address early signs of aging, many people make post-treatment mistakes that adversely affect their results. But how do you know what to avoid after Botox®? Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Meredith Vandegrift can help you learn what not to do if you want smoother skin and… Read More

Can Botox Fix Hooded Eyes?

Hooded eyes have a bit of a bad reputation. When the upper eyelids of brows hide the eyelid’s crease, it is called a hooded eye. While this facial feature is widespread, many women dislike their hooded eyes. Not only can they make it challenging to apply makeup, but they also can cause your eyeshadow to… Read More